Please read these instructions before you start. You don't need a password to access the materials here.
Please navigate through the sections on the left to download the templates required for the online materials you have been commissioned to write.
Each section explains the purpose of the activity and identifies which documents you have to edit or submit.
The materials are laid out for you to work through sequentially.
Make sure you save all of the files to your computer as you complete them.
1) Script selection
Not published to students CurrentPlease note, if you have been asked to write candidate example scripts, please jump to section 2.
We are asking for your script selections to be sent back to us as soon as you can. This allows us time to perform the relevant edits we need to make and get these uploaded the courses.
The number of scripts and Papers/Components you have been asked to select from are provided in the brief sent out to you as part of your commission.
All of the scripts, QPs, MSs and the syllabus have been uploaded for you onto Base Camp.
If you are a new user for Base Camp - you will have been sent a message from the system with the subject line: 'You're invited to join our project management and collaboration system'. Please follow the link in the email to set up your credentials.
When you are ready, please complete the script selection sheet and return it to us at professionaldevelopment@cambridgeinternational.org
2) Writing example candidate scripts
Not published to students CurrentIn some cases (because the introductory training is being delivered before first sitting) it may be necessary to create example candidate answers for any Papers/Components that have changed significantly.
Please write your example candidate answers on a Word document. Make sure each is clearly labelled so we know which Specimen Paper the work relates to.
We will transfer the text you produce onto the PDF specimen papers once you have submitted it to us.
3) Marking feedback
Not published to students CurrentThe marking feedback is vital to allow course participants to understand how marks are gained and lost. Please note the following key points:
- It must be clear in your explanations why the candidates were awarded.
- The marking feedback must have enough detail that they do not require any further explanation from the course tutor. The reason for this is that participants will take these resources away with them. They need to be able to look back at this information and get everything they need from it without any reference to course discussions etc.
- Procedure change: We are now using the standardisation scripts for you to select from. Marks in the standardisation scripts cannot be changed so you will be unable to request for these to be reviewed. If for any reason we are unable to send you the standardisation scripts, and have to use a more general selection, we will let you know.
- EXCEPTION: If you are dealing with script examples which schools submit using SFA, these are raw centre marks and you can alter them as necessary. For example, speaking tests, PE and Drama video submissions and GP projects.
4) Marking guidance document
Not published to students CurrentThe marking guidance document is a new document in our marking workshops.
If you have been asked to review the marking guidance, please jump to section 5.
The aim of the guidance is to help participants to understand the key elements of the mark scheme and areas where marking is often inaccurate.
In essence this document is a 'hints and tips' guide to help them with their marking.
It should cover all of the components in the course.
Please write directly into the template.
5) Reviewing and updating the marking guidance
Not published to students CurrentWhen the syllabus changes, we need to be sure that the marking guidance provided in the course is still relevant.
The current marking guidance has been uploaded for you on Base Camp.
Please read this guidance in conjunction with the syllabus for the course you have been commissioned for.
Make any necessary alterations and upload the new version with a different file name to Base Camp.
6) Submission of materials for writing contracts
Not published to students CurrentWhen you have completed all of the commission, please save all of the documents into one folder and then zip this.
Before you zip the documents:
- Have you fully identified any scripts selected?
- Have you checked that the source material relevant to the scripts you have selected is available in the exam paper or insert?
- If you have created example candidate script answers is each clearly labelled and covers all relevant questions?
- Have you written the marking feedback handout?
If you answered yes to all the questions above, you can then upload this zip file in one action to Basecamp.
If you do not zip the contents, every file has to be uploaded and then downloaded individually which takes a large amount of time.
You can prompt the system to send an email to notify the colleague who set up the project that you have uploaded your files.
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